Dead or Alive in Winnebago IL
It is a scientific fact that the same number of particles make up your body whether you are alive or dead. This leads to a big question at our clinic in Winnebago IL: what is life? Wikipedia says "There is no universal definition of life. To define life in unequivocal terms is still a challenge for scientists." Hmmm, not a lot of help! The Bible tells us in the book of Genesis that God breathed into Adam's nostrils the "breath of life." That explains our source, but still not a lot of detail about what exactly life is.
Chiropractic and our Bodies in Winnebago IL
One characteristic of life Chiropractors have long recognized is that our bodies have innate intelligence. The more of this intelligence, the better our body heals, adapts, and repairs. The better we heal, adapt, and repair, the healthier we are. This intelligence all flows over the nerves of your body. When people are ill with a disease their body has lost the ability to repair and replace the sick cells.
Health comes from your body. Not a drug, pill, potion, or lotion. Health comes from inside of you, and all of your parts work properly. Remember that the next time you have a health challenge...or better yet, be proactive and keep that innate intelligence flowing over your nerves throughout your body before a health challenge comes your way! This is why we see Chiropractic adjustments produce miraculous healing.
Visit Freedlund Family Chiropractic today.
Have an amazing day!
God Bless,
Dr. Heather & Dr. Kory
8:30am - 12:00pm
2:00pm - 6:00pm
2:00pm - 6:00pm
8:30am - 12:00pm
2:00pm - 6:00pm
8:30am - 12:00pm
2:00pm - 6:00pm
Saturday & Sunday
Freedlund Family Chiropractic & Nutrition
506 N Elida St
Winnebago, IL 61088