Are You Committed in Winnebago IL

So you have decided to starting living a healthier lifestyle and lose some weight. Awesome! The big question now is how and where do you start. In fact, I have witnessed most people stop at this very point. They make the decision and then take no action. It is the difference between motivation and commitment in Winnebago IL. You are motivated to be healthier, lose weight and/or keep up with the kids or grandkids. You have made the decision to do that, but, are you committed?
Motivation vs. Commitment in Winnebago IL
What is the difference? You can be completely motivated to do something. You can even be passionate about it. The real question is, are you committed? For most, motivation is where it stops. We talk about doing it, we intend to do it, but we don't. I know I have made this mistake in the past. When you make that decision, are you excited about it? It takes something more important to really achieve big things. Commitment means you will do whatever it takes to make it happen.
From the previous article, you know I am committed to helping those of you willing and able to make changes to your health, to really make them happen. "Willing and able," that is the distinction that seperates those who do versus those who do not. If you have truly made the commitment to do, what you have made the decision to do, then you will do whatever it takes. You are willing and able. If there is ANY reason you still won't do whatever it takes, you are not willing and able. You are not committed.
So let's assume you have made the decision to lose some weight and you are committed to making it happen. I know you are looking for an answer right now about the magic formula for weight loss. It is never that simple, but it can be almost that simple. Making the commitment to do it is key. And then you have to pick the right goal. It can't just be any goal. It can't be vague or arbitrary. It has to be a goal that gets you excited. The goal has to be one that you can own and one that inspires you.
You may all be wondering why I am not talking about how to lose weight and instead feel like kicking this dead horse. Here is the thing, you already know how to lose weight. But you either don't do it or you do and then gain it all right back. We all see it everyday. And this phenomenon is not exclusive to weight loss. Achievement levels in every area of our lives are effected by the same darned thing.
At this point, I am going to assume you are ready, willing and able. To get you started, here are some simple tips for making those goals real and strong enough to make them happen. Make your goals so massive that you have no back up plan. When you make them you can't worry about how practical or realistic they are. In other words, you bave to be so excited about them that you can't wait to get started. Studies have shown the "chunking" goals in a group of 3 allows your mind to process them better. So you need to make 3 goals.
To be clear, your goals need to be massive. HUGE! It has been said, your reason is more important than the outcome. When you make your goals the reason why is most important. You have to be clear about why you must achieve your goals. Than you have to make a plan for each one. This plan should be in an outline form. Why an outline? Because it needs to be dynamic. As you make progress allow yourself to do better than you planned. Of major importance, you have to write them all down, that is crucial.
Here is what I want you to do. We are talking health and/or weight loss. Let's start there. Write down 3 goals. Huge goals! Then for each of them write a short paragraph about why you MUST achieve them. How do you know if the goals are the right ones? Writing your reasons why should make you very excited. You should be so excited you almost can't stand it. You just have to make it happen. Then for each goal you need to outline how you will do it. Be very clear in your goals, your reasons why, and in your plan.
Next time we will discuss what you will need to actually do. That's right, what actions/energy you need to start with towards your goals. In the meantime, I am availbale to answer your questions. Please feel free to contact me, my information is listed at the end.
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2:00pm - 6:00pm
2:00pm - 6:00pm
8:30am - 12:00pm
2:00pm - 6:00pm
8:30am - 12:00pm
2:00pm - 6:00pm
Saturday & Sunday
Freedlund Family Chiropractic & Nutrition
506 N Elida St
Winnebago, IL 61088