Freedlund Family Chiropractic & Nutrition Blog

Children’s Health in Winnebago IL: Sugar and Inflammation

Children’s Health in Winnebago IL: Sugar and Inflammation

Children’s Health in Winnebago IL: Sugar and Inflammation Inflammation and sugar intake are closely related in kids due to overconsumption of sugar in the average child’s daily diet. Inflammation due to sugar may be responsible for more health problems in our children than we realize. Research is showing that a slew of children’s health problems…

Chiropractic Care for Athletes in Winnebago IL

Chiropractic Care for Athletes in Winnebago IL

Chiropractic Care for Athletes in Winnebago Years ago, I met a young man named Ryan. He was a chiropractic student who came to train in my office. At 24, he was vibrant and on the outside appeared very healthy, but he had a secret. One of the first things I do when I train a…

Is “Text Neck” Causing You To Grow Horns in Winnebago IL??

Is “Text Neck” Causing You To Grow Horns in Winnebago IL??

Is “Text Neck” Causing You To Grow Horns in Winnebago IL? In the media recently there has been a lot of discussion about “text neck.” Basically, “text neck” is a result of looking down at your phone or tablet. When you look down for a long time it causes stress on the muscles, ligaments, nerves,…

Can You Refer A Friend To Save A Life in Winnebago IL?

Can You Refer A Friend To Save A Life in Winnebago IL?

Can You Refer a friend to save a life in Winnebago IL Every 30 seconds a pharmaceutical ad is seen by millions of people. In this ad a woman is running through a beautiful forest full of life and peace, and a caption underneath says, “If you’re suffering from this symptom, take this drug and…

Wellness in Winnebago IL

Wellness in Winnebago IL

Wellness in Winnebago IL Check out our reflection below from our clinic in Winnebago IL. Wellness Reflection in Winnebago IL Wellness is your PULSE And getting it above 100 once in a while. It’s looking after your HEART and then someone else’s. Welness is BREAKFAST, And not what SOME call Breakfast, but something that is…

Are You a Difference Maker in Winnebago IL?

Are You a Difference Maker in Winnebago IL?

Are You a Difference Maker in Winnebago IL? There was a story about a famous poet walking along the coast of Spain. As he was enjoying his walk he noticed something out of the ordinary. He noticed a young man doing a very odd looking dance. As he neared the young man much to his…