Freedlund Family Chiropractic & Nutrition Blog

Vertebra of the Week L2 in Winnebago IL

Vertebra of the Week L2 in Winnebago IL

Vertebra of the Week L2 in Winnebago IL L2- the second lumbar vertebra in Winnebago IL! Nerves from this area supply the following in Winnebago IL: Appendix Abdomen Leg If this bone is subluxated (misaligned) it can cause issues like: Cramps Difficulty Breathing Varicose Veins L2 becomes subluxated through things like: Whiplash Birth Trauma Text…

what a chiropractor can help with

What a Winnebago IL Chiropractor Can Help

What a Winnebago IL Chiropractor Can Help An assortment of diverse and difficult health conditions can be helped by a chiropractor in Winnebago IL. Patients usually only associate chiropractic care with back problems, but in reality, chiropractic can be helpful for the entire nervous system and musculoskeletal system. Treating mild to severe headaches is probably…

Chiropractic Care For Back Pain From Pregnancy in Winnebago IL

Chiropractic Care For Back Pain From Pregnancy in Winnebago IL

Chiropractic Care For Back Pain From Pregnancy in Winnebago IL We meet women all the time suffering from “Mommy Back” in Winnebago IL. Usually, it is pain in the upper back and shoulder blades after having kids. As women, our shoulders are not as strong as men. So, when we do something that involves kicking…

The Benefits of Chiropractic During Pregnancy in Winnebago IL

The Benefits of Chiropractic During Pregnancy in Winnebago IL

The Benefits of Chiropractic During Pregnancy in Winnebago IL Anyone who has gone through a pregnancy before knows the stress that it causes to your body. Many women seek Chiropractic care in Winnebago IL for: Low back pain Sciatica Headaches Tingling in hands and feet & many other symptoms Benefits of Chiropractic During Pregnancy in…

improve your golf game with chiropractic

Improve Your Golf Game in Winnebago IL with Chiropractic

Improve Your Golf Game in Winnebago IL with Chiropractic Choosing to receive treatment from a Winnebago IL chiropractor won’t stop your slice or improve your putting, but it just might end up improving your overall game and lowering your score. It’s no secret that golf can be hard on your lower back. The quick, repetitive…

Three Ways Chiropractic is Heart Healthy in Winnebago IL

Three Ways Chiropractic is Heart Healthy in Winnebago IL

3 ways chiropractic is heart healthy in Winnebago IL Cardiovascular disease in Winnebago IL is the number one cause of death of people in the United States. It’s so common in fact that heart health is at the forefront of most American’s health concerns. People understand that it is important to take proper actions to…