Your First Visit in Winnebago IL

When you are done with your tour of our clinic in Winnebago IL, you will fill out your paperwork. It will only take you about 12 minutes or you can print it from the website and bring it with you. One of the most important papers you fill out is the Chiropractic Case History. This case history is very different than any case history you have filled out. It starts with your birth process, goes through your childhood and up to your current health condition. The first trauma to your spine is during your birthing process, so it is important to get all the information. The case history is also where you write down your major complaint.
The doctor will review your case history and major complaint. We have seen many patients with many complaints and for wellness. To be sure we can help you there are a few things we need to do on your first visit. First we will do a detailed case history review, so we will have all the information necessary. Then we will do a complete chiropractic exam. If necessary we will take x-rays from the front and side of your spine. On your second visit, there will be a presentation about x-rays, to help you understand your x-rays when we show them to you. We will tell you what we have found and give your recommendations in your case. We also will go over the cost for your first visit.
You will notice our case history is a little different than most case histories you have filled out. As chiropractors, we are interested in your spine and nervous system. Specifically injuries to your spine that can damage your nervous system, causing your body to become weak, causing your body to become sick. We will review all of your spinal injuries with you. And determine how they are related to your major complaint.
Your Exam in Winnebago IL
After the review of your case history, Dr. Heather will give you a complete Chiropractic Examination. The first part of the exam is checking for Spinal Distortions. This part of the exam allows you and the doctor to see what possible previous injuries could have healed wrong in your spine. These joints that are sprained won’t move as well. The next part of the exam will measure how well your joints are moving.
The second part of the exam is examining for ranges of motion. During this part of the exam you will be asked to move your neck and lower back. The doctor will measure how far you can move in the direction they ask you to go. This part of the exam also helps in finding where previous injuries have healed in wrong in different areas of your spine. These injuries will sprain the joints in the spine and will pinch and irritate the nerves. During the next part of the exam the doctor will examine you for pinched and irritated nerves, muscle spasm, and widespread inflammation.
Before you have your x-rays taken, the doctor will explain to you what they are looking for on your x-rays. To understand more about what the doctor is looking for in an x-ray, they will show you the subluxation degeneration chart. The chart has 5 pictures and x-rays of a side view of a person’s neck. These pictures will show you the long term damage of uncorrected subluxations..
After you are taught how to read x-rays, yours will be taken (if necessary).
At the end of your first visit the doctor will give you an important records folder. This folder is filled with important information about your chiropractic care. You will be asked to read some of the material before your second visit. It is also a place for you to keep all of your records so you can track your progress. We will give you copies of your exams, insurance information and schedule. You will also find a referral card to share with a friend or family member and our home phone numbers in case of emergency.
At the end of your first visit the doctor will walk you to the front desk. Here the doctor will tell the front desk person when you need to come back for your report of findings and also any financial agreements you made during your visit.
8:30am - 12:00pm
2:00pm - 6:00pm
2:00pm - 6:00pm
8:30am - 12:00pm
2:00pm - 6:00pm
8:30am - 12:00pm
2:00pm - 6:00pm
Saturday & Sunday
Freedlund Family Chiropractic & Nutrition
506 N Elida St
Winnebago, IL 61088