The Many Ways Your Kiddo Asks For An Adjustment in Winnebago IL

The Many Ways Your Kiddo Asks For An Adjustment in Winnebago IL

Chiropractic Winnebago IL Chiropractic For Kids

There are a billion ways your kiddo "asks" for an adjustment in Winnebago IL. Some of them sound or look like this...


All those fusses that don't seem to be easily identified or resolved are your babies way of telling you somethings just not quite right.

Tugging on their ears in Winnebago IL!

All that tugging is their way of trying to help their ear drain better and relieve the discomfort. Tiny misalignments in their neck can block the flow of their ears and cause infections. (Antibiotics don't correct that. That's why they often keep coming back)

Crazy Crawling!

It's so so cute when they crawl all silly in the beginning until you start to notice that that cute little crawl is sticking around far too long. When a babies tailbone, hips and low back aren't gliding along with each other like they should it can make it impossible for them to have normal crawling, walking and even reach other milestones! Did you know crawling & walking effects brain development!? Waiting for them to "grow out" of these challenges can set back other development!

Snotty Noses!

The kiddo who's always sneezing or boogery! There's a reason why … Your kiddos immune system that controls their sinuses/nose and throat is controlled by the nerves in the top of their neck. If there's any stress left over from birth, falls while learning to stand/crawl/walk and more they can have a lot of difficulty with drainage and fighting bacteria and viruses!

Just like our bodies talk to us with somethings off, our kiddos bodies do too!
In our office we love helping parents get to the root cause of all these challenges and help their babies & big kids stay healthy and skip over developmental challenges!

How is your kiddo "asking" for an adjustment!?


8:30am - 12:00pm
2:00pm - 6:00pm

2:00pm - 6:00pm

8:30am - 12:00pm
2:00pm - 6:00pm


8:30am - 12:00pm
2:00pm - 6:00pm

Saturday & Sunday

Freedlund Family Chiropractic & Nutrition

506 N Elida St
Winnebago, IL 61088

(815) 335-1381